This tune is a tune we play at our klezmer jam.
Not sure where it comes from. Good racy fun.
Here's the ABC:
T:Wedding Hora (Concert pitch)
|: "Gm"BAG^F G2(^fg)| (g^f)ef (ed)c=B | "Cm" c3c (=Bc)dB |c2 z2 z4|!
"F" BAG^F =F2(=ef)| (f=e)_ed (ed)ce | "Bb" d2 z2 {d}(^cd)ec| "D7" d2 z2 z4|!
"Gm" BAG^F G2(^fg) | (g^f)ef (ed)c=B | "Cm" c2z2 {c}=B2c2|{d}e8|!
"D7" (cB)AG (^FG)AB | (d^c)Bc (BA)G^F |"Gm" G3G (^FG)AF |[1 G4z4:|[2 G2 z2z2 d2||!
|:"Gm" (^cd)b2 b2b2| (ab)bg ^f2g2 |"A" a8-|a6 g2|!
"D"(^fg)a2 a2a2|(g^f)ef (ed)ce |"Gm"d2g2 d2g2 |d6 d2|!
(^cd)g2 g2g2 |!trill!g3f (fe)dc|"Cm" (df)e2 e2e2|Pe2(de) (fe)dc |!
"D7" (cB)AG (^FG)AB | (d^c)Bc (BA)G^F|"Gm" G3G (^FG)AF|[1G2z2 z2 d2:|[2G2z2 z4||!
|:"Gm" z2(^cd) (Bc)(AB)|PG2(G^F) (GA)BG|"Cm"z2 (^fg) (ef)(de) |Pc2(c=B) (cd)ec|!
"D"z2 (ab) (ga)^fg|(e^f)(de) (cd)ec |(d^c)Bc (BA)G^F | "Gm" (GA)B^c dAB^F |!
G2(^cd) (Bc)(AB) | PG2(G^F) (GA)BG|"Cm" z2(^fg) (ef)(de)| Pc2(c=B) (cd)ec|!
"D" z2 (ab) (ga)(^fg)|(e^f)(de) (cd)ec|(d^c)Bc (BA)G^F| "Gm" GD=E^F G2 z2 :|
Thursday, January 16, 2014
And just to throw you tune players off a bit, here's a lead sheet for a song I've been working on. (yes a song, not a tune) Sunny, by Bobby Hebb.. I've been learning swing and jazz stuff and I found this song, which I have always liked.. OK get your groove on...
Here's the abc:
C:Bobby Hebb
"Em"[E4B4] "Em(C)"[E4c4]|"Em(C#)"[E4^c4]"Em(C)"[E4c4]|"Em"[E4B4] "Em(C)"[E4c4]|"Em(C#)"[E4^c4]"Em(C)"[E4c4]||!
|:"Em7" BB z2 z4|"G7"z4 ge dB|"CM7" A2 GE G A2 B-|"F#m7 11" B4 "B7+9" z4|!
"Em7" BB z2 z4|"Dmi7"z4 "G7"ge dB|"CM7" A2 GE G A2 B-|"F#m7 11" B4 "B7+9" z4|!
"Em"BG AG G2 A2 |"G7" BG AG G2 A2 | "CM7"B A2 G- G A2 |"FM7+5"BG AG G2 A2|!
"F#m7 11" B B2 B- B B2 A| "B7+9" z4 A A2 G- | "Em7" G4 z2 z d-|"B7+9" d6 z :|
AND the lyrics...
Sunny, Yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, You smiled at me and really eased the pain
Now, the dark days are gone
And the bright days are here
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny, one so true, I love you
Sunny, Thank you for the sunshine bouquet
Sunny, Thank you for the love you brought my way
You gave to me your all and all
And now I feel ten feet tall
Sunny, one so true, I love you
Sunny, Thank you for the truth you let me see
Sunny, Thank you for the facts from A to Z
My life was torn Like a wind-blown sand
And a rock was formed When you held my hand
Sunny, one so true, I love you
Sunny, Thank you for that smile upon your face
Sunny, Thank you, thank you for that gleam
that flows with grace
You're my spark of nature's fire
You're my sweet complete desire
Sunny, one so true, yes, I love you
Repeat Verse 1
C:Bobby Hebb
"Em"[E4B4] "Em(C)"[E4c4]|"Em(C#)"[E4^c4]"Em(C)"[E4c4]|"Em"[E4B4] "Em(C)"[E4c4]|"Em(C#)"[E4^c4]"Em(C)"[E4c4]||!
|:"Em7" BB z2 z4|"G7"z4 ge dB|"CM7" A2 GE G A2 B-|"F#m7 11" B4 "B7+9" z4|!
"Em7" BB z2 z4|"Dmi7"z4 "G7"ge dB|"CM7" A2 GE G A2 B-|"F#m7 11" B4 "B7+9" z4|!
"Em"BG AG G2 A2 |"G7" BG AG G2 A2 | "CM7"B A2 G- G A2 |"FM7+5"BG AG G2 A2|!
"F#m7 11" B B2 B- B B2 A| "B7+9" z4 A A2 G- | "Em7" G4 z2 z d-|"B7+9" d6 z :|
AND the lyrics...
Sunny, Yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, You smiled at me and really eased the pain
Now, the dark days are gone
And the bright days are here
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny, one so true, I love you
Sunny, Thank you for the sunshine bouquet
Sunny, Thank you for the love you brought my way
You gave to me your all and all
And now I feel ten feet tall
Sunny, one so true, I love you
Sunny, Thank you for the truth you let me see
Sunny, Thank you for the facts from A to Z
My life was torn Like a wind-blown sand
And a rock was formed When you held my hand
Sunny, one so true, I love you
Sunny, Thank you for that smile upon your face
Sunny, Thank you, thank you for that gleam
that flows with grace
You're my spark of nature's fire
You're my sweet complete desire
Sunny, one so true, yes, I love you
Repeat Verse 1
Monday, December 7, 2009
Forked Ear

This tune is a variation of the well known old time tune, Forked Deer.
We got it from a fellow down at the Centralia Parlor Pickers jam.
It comes from a collection of tunes that was in the Library of Congress and called "A Collection of Violin Tunes Popular During the Early 1800's, by A. Porter Hamblen." For the whole story, you can look at these websites: The Hamblen Collection, by Porter Hamblen and another page called, Hamblen Family Music.
An interesting read.
Back to the tune, I really like this version:
Here's the abc:
X: 1
T:Forked Ear (Deer)
S:As Played by Williamson Hamblen
|: F2F2 A2A2 | BAGA f2e2 | d2F2 FGAA | F2D2 D4 :| !
|:defg a4 | gfed f2d2 | dffg abaf | e2d2 e2A2 |!
defg a4 | gfed f2d2 | d2F2 FGAA | F2D2 D4 :|
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Spinney

Here's an Irish tune by Joe Liddy of Leitrim.
My wife and I like to play this with another of his tunes, Palmer's Gate, which is a somewhat common tune in sessions hereabouts...
In case you're wondering, a spinney is a small wood with undergrowth, a copse or thicket....
I came up with a basic chord progression for the backup.. the tune lends itself to lots of variations.
Oh, by the way, this tune can be found in a book of Joe Liddy's tunes, called The Leitrim Fiddler..
Here's a link to an online, abc version ----------->
X: 1
T:The Spinney
C:Joe Liddy
S:"The Leitrim Fiddler" (Dublin 1981)
dB | "Am" A2 GA "G/B"EA"C"BA | "Em" eABA "D/F#" ge"G"dB | "Am" A2 GA "G/
B"eA"C"BA | "Em"GEDB, "G" DEGB |!
"Am" A2 eA "G/B"BA"C"eA | "Em" BAGF "D/F#"GA"G"Bd | "Am"eged "G/
B" BA"C"GE | "Em"GBdB A2 :|!
Bd |"Am" ea a2 "C" agab | "D add4" gaba bedB | "Am" A2 BA "C" eABd |"
Em" g2 fg "G" edBd |!
"Am" ea a2 "C" agab | "D add4" eged BAGB | "Am" A2 eA "C" BAGE |
"G"DEGB "Em" A2 Bd ||!
"Am" ea a2 "C" agab | "D add4" gafg edBd | "Am" eABA "C" gefd
| "Em" edBA "G" GFGB |!
"Am" A2 eA "C" BAeA | "D add4" gedc BAG[EB] | "Am"A2 Bd "C"gaba
| "Em" gedB "Am" A2 ||
Friday, September 25, 2009
Les Vagues du St-Laurent

This is another tune that is played at our Quebecois session.
It comes from Aime Gagnon, via Fiddle Tunes in Port Townsend , Washington.
Should be played at a moderately fast tempo.
It's a crooked thing, so don't even bother counting when you play it... :o)
I think it's a sweet tune, hope the chords are correct.
The ABCs
X: 1
T:Les Vagues du St-Laurent
C:Aime Gagnon
"G"B4 "C"uc2ue2 | "G"d4 {d}B2 (dB | G2) (BG D2) (DG, |
M:2/4 DG,DG,) |!
M: 4/4 |"G"B4 "C"c2e2 | "G"d4 {d}B2 (dB |G2) (BG D2) (DG, |
M:2/4 DG,DG,) |!
M:4/4 L:1/8 |B4 "C"c2e2 |
M: 6/4|"G"d4 "D"A6 ue2 |
M: 4/4
|d4 A4 | d6"C" c2| B2) "D"(d2 A2) (B2|[1 "G" G2) (DG,DG,DG,):|[2 "* (end)" H G4d2 d2 ||!
|:"G" d2 d2 "C"e2 f2 "Am"g2 a2 |
M:4/4 L:1/8 "G" b6 g2 | b2 g2 "D/F#"a2 f2 |"C"(g3 a) (gfec) |"D"d6 "C"c2 | !
"G" B4 d2 g2 |"D"(f4-fgfe)|[1"D"d4 {d}"C"c2 c2 |"G"B4 d2 d2 :|[2 "D"d3
d "C"(cB"D"AF) | "G" (G2(GG,GG,G"D.C."G,)||"(*tag at the end)" GBd g2b g2||
Phew! this was a challenge to write up in ABC format....
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Air Moving

This next tune is a beautiful tune written and played by Kathryn Tickell on the Northumbrian smallpipes.
I would call it an air I think. I first heard it on a video I saw on line, of her and her band playing the tune live. You can watch it here: ( the music starts about 4 minutes into the clip)
I have written it out in the key of D, so I could learn it on my D whistle...
This is a bare bones transcription, without all of the pipe ornamentation, which Kathryn uses in the tune. (Mainly, because I am new to the whistle and don't have a lifetime to figure out what she is doing.)
Thanks again to Kathryn for permission to post the tune.
(copyright Parkwest Music)
The abc:
X: 1
T:Air Moving
C:Katheryn Tickell
S:copyright ParkWest Music
c|:"D"d3 c B2|A3 G F2 | "G" A3 G FG|"A" E4 c2|!
"D"d3 c B2|A3 G F2 |"G" A6-|"A" A4 c2 |!
"D" d3 c B2|A3 G F2 | "G" A3 G FG|"A" E4 (3AGE |!
"Em" F3E D2|"G" c3 B A2 |"Em" G6-|[1 G4 c2 :|G4 f2 ||!
|: "G" g4 d2 | g4 a2 |"F#m7" f3 e d2|[1 "A" c2 d2 f2|!
"G" g4 d2 | g4 a2 |"Bm" f3 e df | "A"e4 f2 :|!
[2 "A," d2 f2 c2 |"G" d3 c B2| "Bm"A3 G FG|"A" E6-|E4 c2 ||
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
La Rev du Queteux Tremblay

This tune comes to me via my friend Jeff , who was taught it at the Irish Fiddle camp in Friday Harbor, by an Irish concertina player. But isn't this a French Canadian tune? ha ha, yes it is.... very pretty tune.... It's in reverse order from the normal way it's usually notated. (A and B parts are switched) And in G instead of the key of F .
Per the Fiddler's Companion ; "The source, William Tremblay, was known as the ‘queteux Tremblay’, and was an itinerant fiddler and character who would wander from village to village throughout Québec Province, trading his music for room and board."
Oh! and yes, my French spelling is definately bad.. ha ha....
And the ABC
X: 1
T:La Rev du Quetux Tremblay
"G" g2 dg BgGg |baag "Ami" a2 ea | caAf aggf |"G" g2 dg BgGg |!
"Ami" baae "G" gdBG |"C"c2 A/B/c "G/B"B2 G/A/B | "D"AFDF AG "G"GF |
M: 2/4 [1 G4 :|[2 G3 c||!
|: "G" BGGG AGAB | "Am"c3 d cBce |"G"d3 e "G/B"dcBd |!
"C"c2 A/B/c "G/B"B2 G/A/B | "D"AFDF AG "G"GF |
M: 2/4 [1 G3 c :|[2 G4 ||
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